Fmp Final evaluation

when i began my fmp i saw myself wanting to produce limited edition prints and was quite set on that idea however i feel through the course of the module i found myself being more interested in other mediums, other than just a print, i began to look at books, products, such as dinner wear. also i think through this helped me widen my eyes more and experiment with new mediums i hadn't done before.

Looking back over my progress through the fmp i can see i have started to gain a little bit more confidence in the work that i am producing. i feel my work has clearly progressed on from the last project just because of the large ranges of designs i have been doing, especially as i wasn't just relying upon a few art prints. 

i have noticed that once i had started my fmp i did a lot of design development work which is all well and good but i didn't starting producing projects at the rate that i had originally anticipated. i feel as the module has progressed i have become more confident and assured about my work. i feel that due to this self assurance that i became more decisive about my design work, and ideas, I'd pick one then just get on with it. i really do think that by doing this it gave me the opportunity to see my work slot into different contexts and see where i could take my designs in the future.

what i have noticed is that i understand that the quicker i get on with finalising a design and the more successful the project will be as i can sort out problems like paper stocks, scales out. and also so i can get on with a new brief a lot sooner. i do feel that if i had of been more decisive within the earlier stage of the fmp i might of explored even more formats and seen where i could have taken them.

i think the the main strengths that came out of my fmp was how i started to become more decisive about my work. i actually feel the work itself is really quite strong within it self, however i still feel that that could have potentially gone further.
and had an even larger product range than submitted. i was glad to take on projects like the jigsaw kitchen as i felt it was a great opportunity to do a different style of illustrated designs. and to be honest let me step away from the other pieces of work for a while.

this module has given me such a boost within my mentality towards my designing and i want to explore more and more potential formats to see where they can take my illustrations and design work. i still feel there are areas that i still would like to explore such as character as i feel this is a natural progression for the style of work that I'm producing.